Forum on “L’importance des valeurs dans le combat contre la corruption” in collaboration with the Council of Religions and with the participation of a delegation from Mali

Forum on "L'importance des valeurs dans le combat contre la corruption" in collaboration with the Council of Religions and with the participation of a delegation from Mali

Group photo: Speakers and representatives of Council of Religions, ICAC and delegates from Mali

On 4th May 2023, the Independent Commission Against Corruption(ICAC) organised a forum in collaboration with the Council of Religions and with the participation of a delegation from Mali. The theme of the forum was L’importance des valeurs dans le combat contre la corruption.

During the protocol part Mr Bashir Nuckchady, Secretary of the Council of Religions, Mr Oumar Dembele, member of Conseil de L’Office Centrale de Lutte Contre L’Enrichissement Illicite (OCLEI) and Mrs Nandita Suneechur-Nunkoo, Supervising Officer of Corruption Prevention and Education Division of ICAC intervened. They all stressed on the importance of values in our daily lives and how values can represent antidotes to corruption. The key role of parents, schools and religious leaders in the inculcation of values were also highlighted.

The partnership between the ICAC and the Council of Religions dates back to the early 2000s, and over the years, several joint initiatives have been taken, namely the organisation of fora, anti-corruption sensitisation sessions, workshops and the development and dissemination of anti-corruption messages. On the other hand, ICAC’s collaboration with the OCLEI dates back to 2017 and has been  strengthened through the signature of a Memorandum of Understanding.

The speakers of the forum were:

  1. Miss Aleeyah Lallmohamed, Lawyer and Co-chair of the African Interfaith Youth Network (ACRL) & member of Council of Religions who spoke on “Constat de la situation sur la promotion des valeurs: l’expérience mauricienne”
  2. Mr Kalane Djibril Toure, Executive Secretary of the “l’Assemblée Générale des Églises et Mission Protestantes et Évangéliques au Mali” who spoke on “Constat de la situation sur la promotion des valeurs: l’expérience malienne” and
  3. Professor Y. Ramma, Acting Head of School of Mauritius Institute of Education (MIE) who spoke on “Comment relever les défis et œuvrer pour une société fondé sur les valeurs”.

The forum presented a good opportunity to discuss the pertinence of values in the fight against corruption as well as the need for a collaborative approach for a better society. As a follow-up, a plan of action will be developed in collaboration with the Council of Religions.