ICAC Anti-Corruption campaign for students

Mo Konbat Koripsion pou enn Lavenir Meyer’

Be an anti-corruption champion, dare to set the right example and speak out against corruption for a better future.

Integrity is key for lifelong success. In line with its mandate to prevent and eliminate corruption, the ICAC is inviting the public at large to sign up for an online Anti-Corruption Pledge to mark the International Anti-Corruption Day, commemorated on 9th December each year to mark the signing of the UN Convention Against Corruption in Merida, Mexico. This day is commemorated to raise awareness about corruption and the Convention’s role in combatting and preventing corruption.

Through this symbolic gesture, every citizen of the Republic of Mauritius will be able to demonstrate his/her commitment in the fight against corruption which is a global phenomenon affecting all segments of the society.

Awareness campaign for Lower VI students: Launching of the Anti-Corruption Pledge

Winners of the Quiz competition

ICAC Anti-corruption quiz competition winners


Difficult roads take us to beautiful destinations. Say NO to corruption

Mr Mahessur Taluk, Lower VI student, Dr Regis Chaperon SSS

Sensitising youth in the fight against corruption is key for a better tomorrow. At the very start, they need to understand that better take the toughest road than the straightest one.

Mr Nagessur Gukhool, Rector, John Kennedy College

I found the session to be interactive, convincing, factual and very interesting. I felt that the information provided would be useful in subjects like General Paper and Travel and Tourism. I could view things differently in real life situations.

Mr Guness Balwant Rai, Lower VI student, Universal College

Very enriching session for our students of Lower six. Also they have had more information about corruption, anti-corruption measures and ways/means to combat the social evil.

Mrs Ashna Luximon, Educator/Head of Department and Integrity Club Facilitator, Curepipe College

I thank the ICAC for taking this initiative to embark students on the fight against corruption at this stage of their lives. Being proactive is the way to preserve this culture of integrity.

Mr Nanrock Perrine, Rector, Rodrigues College.